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Use pagination controls to provide navigation for content that is paginated.

Example of Pagination - default

  onPageChange={() => {}}

React documentation

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BcPagination React component is only built for an SPA-like implementation and makes use of native <button> and <select> elements. This version of pagination does not trigger a page navigation. Hence, it will be very much suitable for paginating tables’, lists and react-router implementation.

The component also applies ARIA attributes which makes the pagination accessible and link to the UI element it is controlling.

BcPagination will not render anything there is only 1 page to display.

BcPagination Props

classNamestringfalseCustom className to pass alongside bc-pagination--menubar
controlsstringtrueSpace separated list of one or more ID values referencing the elements being controlled by the current element
currentPagenumbertrue1Use this props if you want to fully control the pagination component. For example, when you have a page params in your url, you could pass that to the pagination component to display the correct page number.
limitOptionsnumber[]false[25, 50, 100, 200]An array of options to provide in the pagination limit selector. This gives you flexibility if you wanted to show different number of items per page
limitnumberfalse25The number of items to display per page
totalCountnumbertrue0The total count of a query result
onLimitChange(limit: number) => voidfalseHandler for when the limit selector changes value
onPageChange(page: number) => voidtrueHandler for when the page is changed either via the page selector or the navigation arrows

Any extended types: N/A


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After much research into the best practices around pagination. Our design team came to the conclusion that we need to simplify our pagination component.

The old pagination implementation of pagination at Bugcrowd looks as follows


There are a couple of issues with the old implementation.

  1. There is a lot of logic required for the truncation logic
  2. The first and last page numbers are always there but users can go to these pages using the first and last arrow buttons
  3. For a user to jump to a specific page, it is a bit harder.
  4. As an accessibility user, to tab to the next page button, they need to go over all the rendered number.

With these in mind, our design team came up with the following UX.


The new design is more utilitarian and enables users to jump to specific pages faster.

The new pagination component is less cluttered, with less logic around the truncation and the added feature of selecting how many results to load per page.


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While <ol> would be suitable here given the linearity implied, use un-ordered lists (<ul>).

Non-visual assistive technologies (eg screen readers) commonly preface <ol> list items with their lexical position. This results in first announcing the lexical count of the list item, which will not align with the page count due to the [ellipsis] range indicators, and the First/Last/Prev/Next, controls.

Set aria-current="true" for the current numbered page anchor — this should also apply to the “First” and “Last” anchors when on those pages.

Set aria-hidden="true" on the list items that contain the range indicators, as these are entirely superfluous — and may cause confusion — to non-visual users. This does not visually hide the element.

Omit the jump control links — first/prev and next/last — when on the first and last page of listings respectively.

Provide a maximum of three pages prior to and after the current page; do not list every possible page.

Using pagination in an SPA

Use <button>s when paginating in a single page application.

Use ARIA to provide context for the navigation controls:

  • menubar role on the wrapping container, replacing or overriding the implicit <nav> role
  • menu role on the top-level wrapping <ul>
  • menuitem roles for the first/last and prev/next buttons
  • menuradioitem role for each numbered page button

Accessibility with the React BcPagination

With the <button> implementation, the decision has been made to provide ARIA attributes to some of the individual elements to help assistive technology communicate changes in the pagination elements.


The page navigation section of the BcPagination react component has a live region which updates when the current page changes. There is also a screen reader only span which enables screen readers to read Page 1 of 5 pages.

The page meta section of the BcPagination react component also has a live region which updates when the current page or the limit per page is updated. That section also has an sr-only span so screen readers can read Viewing items 1 to 25 of 100.

Accessibility with pagination causing page navigation

  • aria-checked for the current numbered page button — this should also apply to the “First” and “Last” buttons when on those pages
  • aria-setsize for each numbered page button giving the total number
  • aria-posinset for each numbered page button giving its lexical position within the set.


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The pagination pattern has two functions:

  1. As an interactive navigation
  2. As an indicator of where the user is within the paginated list index, providing via <output>:
    • the current range of items presented on the page;
    • from the total number of items in the paginated index.

See also

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