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Provides full keyboard support for navigating a dropdown menu.

React documentation

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Example of BcMenu default


The BcMenuPanel component is by default not portalled to document.body.

If you are experiencing the issue where a parent element has overflow: hidden CSS property set and hence clipping the BcMenuPanel, then set floatingPortalId={document.body}.

Should you need to place the BcMenuPanel into a different element, you can do so by passing the unique id of that element or a RefObject to the floatingPortalId props.


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  • Uses <button /> to toggle dropdown menu.
  • Uses div with role='Menu' to represent menu panel.
  • Uses <hr /> with role='separator' to represent horizontal item separator.


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The following variants are available:

.bc-menu__panel-containerContainer class used for panel wrapper
.bc-menu__panelRepresents div which acts as a panel element
.bc-menu__arrow-svgUsed to show connecting arrow icon between button and panel
.bc-panel__mainRepresents parent div which holds all menu items
.bc-menu__item-wrapper--separatorModifier class used for horizontal separator hr


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Target button for menu contains following aria attributes:

  • aria-haspopup='menu': Indicates the availability and type of interactive popup element that can be triggered by button.
  • aria-owns={panelId}: Identifies panel by it’s id in order to define relationship between button and panel div.
  • aria-controls={panelId}: Identifies the panel by it’s id whose contents or presence is controlled by button.
  • aria-expanded='true/false': Indicate if a control is expanded or collapsed, and whether or not menu panel is displayed or hidden.


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Menu component provides full keyboard support for navigating a dropdown menu. If you want to create a menu where you can use the arrow keys or type the first character of the text content of a menu item to navigate to that item, then use this component. This component departs from the composition pattern so that it can manage the child indexes efficiently.

See also

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  • Buttons (Component)