Example of Icons - default
<BcIcons name='bugcrowdUnfilled' />
React documentation
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When using BcIcons in your project for the first time, you’ll need to include the spritesheet at a high-level, eg:
import BcIconsSpritesheetPath from '@bugcrowd/bc-flair/dist/assets/icons/bc-icons-spritesheet.svg?url'
// TODO: Document me 🙏
You’ll only need to do this once, generally.
For more on the spritesheet setup, see the HTML section in this entry.
Using <BcIcons />
To include an icon into a view import it:
import { BcIcons } from '@bugcrowd/bc-elements'
Then use the name
prop to pick the icon you’re after:
<BcIcons name='attach'>
<BcIcons />
props and features
Prop | Type | Required? | Default | Description |
name | string | required | bugcrowd | Selects icon from spritesheet. |
size | string | optional | N/A | Manually set icon size (in rems). Default of --local-font-size is $bc-leading * 1em . |
isInlined | boolean | optional | false | Sets inline-block and vertical-align: middle . |
isParentColor | boolean | optional | false | Sets icon color variable to initial so it inherits the parent color . SassDoc: bc-icon--parent-color . |
className | string | optional | N/A | Add custom CSS class(es). |
The size
prop’s default is N/A because left unset, <BcIcons />
will try to match the font-size
of the parent block it is nested inside.
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Understanding the spritesheet setup
This component draws the icon you wish from a generated SVG ‘spritesheet’ of all the icons.
The spritesheet is built by nesting SVGs with (unique) IDs for each icon so you can <use>
them, literally. 🙂
You’ll want to include the spritesheet into project’s views at a high-level.
By importing the spritesheet into your project, the file will only be loaded once and will be cached.
This benefit also applies to multiple instances of the same icon: they all draw from the same single icon from the many defined in the SVG spritesheet file.
You have a variety of options to include the spritesheet in plain HTML/markup.
For React setups: see the React documentation section in this entry.
The spritesheet
We version control each icon as its own individual SVG file in Git.
We then use our spritesheet generator script, compiling them together into a single SVG spritesheet.
The assembled spritesheet looks like this:
<!-- bc-icons-spritesheet.svg -->
<!-- Defs structural container -->
<!-- the Activity feed icon: -->
<svg id="activity-feed" viewBox="…">
<path fill="…" d="…" />
<!-- the Android icon: -->
<svg id="android" viewBox="…">
<path fill="…" d="…" />
<!-- the (orange) Bugcrowd icon: -->
<svg id="bugcrowd" viewBox="…">
<path fill="…" d="…" />
<!-- the (transparent b) Bugcrowd icon: -->
<svg id="bugcrowd-internal" viewBox="…">
<path fill="…" d="…" />
<!-- etc. -->
The icon-*
IDs here are auto-inserted by the spritesheet generator, using the individual icon filenames for the slugs.
The individual (source) SVGs
We store each icon as separate, individual files in Git.
Why individual icon source files? Because it gives developers flexibility and source access to individual icons. It also gives DS Maintainers fine-grained icon version control and file/code ownership.
Example individual icon source file:
<!-- bugcrowd-unfilled.svg -->
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path fill="currentColor" d="…" />
All icons must have canvas viewBox
dimensions of 24 by 24 (effectively pixels at 1:1 scaling).
Also notice the path
element sets fill="currentColor"
. This allows dynamically setting icon colors via CSS, as the path’s color can now be inherit
ed via the parent color
property, relative to the location where the SVG is <use>
d. 😎
Exceptions are limited and manually composed to maintain color contrast visibility across all background colors, between both the light and dark color themes.
Calling an icon and the resulting HTML
Call an icon from the spritesheet using <use>
If you’re working in React this is simplified for you, eg. <BcIcons name='bugcrowd-unfilled' />
That said, the markup to call an icon is fairly simple also:
<svg><use href="/host/path/to/spritesheet.svg#bugcrowd-unfilled"></use></svg>
<BcIcons />
abstracts <use>
to do this and set some other properties for you.
The final resulting HTML, when rendered:
<span class="bc-icons">
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
<use href="./assets/bc-icons-spritesheet.svg#bugcrowd-unfilled"></use>
If the icon requires changing its (singular) color the component will append a BEM modifier/variant class which changes the color
, which in turn is picked up by the SVG’s fill="currentColor"
For example, to color the orange Bugcrowd hexagonal logo mark, the .bc-icons--bugcrowd
class sets the .bc-icons
’ --local-color
CSS Variable to our brand orange.
Caveats of <use>
SVGs cannot be loaded from a CDN when using <use>
See In the case of CORS: CSS to the rescue.
Icon semantics (or lack thereof)
⚠️ These Icons are intentionally designed to be presentational-only, that is, they carry no semantic meaning.
Why are icons removed from the Accessibility Tree?
If the icon is used to carry important meaning and no text label is given, an accessible label or title needs to provided.
👉 See Accessibility section on this page.
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👉 See the BcIcons Storybook entry of all icons.
The following table is hardcoded and will be auto-mapped in the future.
Icon name | Purpose |
activityFeed | Activity feeds |
agriculture | Agriculture industry |
android | Target type: Android |
announcement | Announcements |
api | Target type: API |
archive | Archive items |
arrowDown | Arrow pointing down |
arrowLeft | Arrow pointing left |
arrowRight | Arrow pointing right |
arrowUp | Arrow pointing up |
attach | File attachments |
automotive | Automotive industry |
bank | Banking industry |
biotech | Biotech industry |
blockerCreated | Active blockers |
blockerResolved | Resolved blockers |
bookmark | Bookmark a page |
brief | View brief |
bugcrowd | Bugcrowd logo |
bugcrowdUnfilled | Unfilled Bugcrowd logo |
calendar | Show calendar date picker |
camera | Image upload |
cancel | Cancel or clear current action |
card | Credit card |
checkmark | Checkmark |
chevronDown | Open select |
chevronLeft | Back |
chevronRight | Next |
chevronUp | Collapse select |
circle | Incomplete item |
clipboard | Copy to clipboard |
clock | Complementing time selection |
cloudCheck | Changes saved |
cloudCross | Changes not saved |
cloud | Cloud based industry |
computerSoftware | Computer software industry |
construction | Construction industry |
date | Complementing date selection |
delete | Delete or remove an item |
disclose | Disclose.io safe harbor icon |
disclosePartial | Disclose.io safe harbor (partial) |
download | Download an item to computer |
downtrend | Indicate downtrend |
duplicate | Submission duplicate icon |
ecommerce | E-commerce industry |
edit | Edit an item |
education | Educational industry |
electronics | Electronics industry |
email | |
EngagementAsm | ASM engagement |
engagementNgpt | NGPT engagement |
engagementOnDemand | On-Demand Bug Bounty engagement |
engagementOngoing | Ongoing Bug Bounty engagement |
engagementPenTest | Pen Test engagement |
engagementRecon | ASM engagement |
engagementSast | SAST engagement |
engagementVdp | VDP engagement |
error | Error message icon |
eyedropper | Color picker UI |
facebook | Facebook logo |
fileImage | Image format file |
fileOther | Other format file |
fileVideo | Video format file |
filter | Filter items |
finance | Finance industry |
fix | Submissions to be fixed or resolved |
flag | Flag |
follow | Follow an engagement |
forestry | Forestry industry |
formatBold | Add bold text formatting |
formatCode | Add code formatting |
formatItalic | Add italic text formatting |
formatLink | Add link formatting |
formatListBulleted | Bulleted list formatting |
formatListNumbered | Numbered list formatting |
formatQuote | Add quote formatting |
games | Games industry |
github | GitHub logo icon |
government | Government industry |
hardware | Target type: Hardware or Hardware industry |
healthcare | Healthcare industry |
help | Help resources |
hide | Hide item or visibility is limited |
hospitality | Hospitality industry |
huntingAnimalWelfare | Hunting and animal welfare industry |
info | Informational message icon |
ios | Target type: iOS |
iot | Target type: IoT or IoT industry |
linkedIn | LinkedIn logo |
location | Location marker |
maritime | Maritime industry |
markdown | Markdown logo |
menu | Hamburger menu |
military | Military industry |
minus | Minus or subtract |
more | More options |
network | Target type: Network |
newTab | Open link in new tab |
nonProfit | Non-profit industry |
notification | Notifications |
oilGas | Oil and gas industry |
paymentMethod | Payment method selection |
pentesterlab | Pentesterlab logo |
pin | Pin item to top |
plus | Plus or add |
preview | Preview item |
print | Print page |
processing | Submission in new state or to be triaged |
public | Publicly visible/not hidden |
realEstate | Real Estate industry |
rearrange | Re-arrange or drag item |
recycle | Recycle item |
requirement | Requirement (unsatisfied) / ineligible icon |
retail | Retail industry |
retest | Attempt to reproduce a vulnerability |
reveal | Show item or visibility is open |
review | Submissions that need review |
reward | Submissions that need to be rewarded |
science | Science industry |
search | Search inputs |
send | Send an item |
settings | Change settings |
share | Share |
sidebar | Sidebar section |
sso | Authenticated with SSO icon |
stackexchange | Stack Exchange logo icon |
stackoverflow | Stack Overflow logo icon |
stop | Stop |
subdirectory | Subdirectory item |
success | Success message / requirement satisfied / eligible icon |
support | Support industry |
target | Target icon |
taskList | Task list icon |
technology | Technology industry |
thumbsdown | Down vote rating |
thumbsup | Up vote rating |
thumbsupdown | Rate item |
tourism | Tourism industry |
transportation | Transportation industry |
trophy | Achievement |
twitter | Twitter or ‘X’ logo |
undo | Undo an action |
unfoldHorizontalLess | Collapse an item horizontally |
unfoldHorizontalMore | Expand an item horizontally |
unfoldVerticalLess | Collapse an item vertically |
unfoldVerticalMore | Expand an item horizontally |
unfollow | Un-follow or stop following an engagement |
unpin | Unpin an item at the top |
uptrend | Indicate upward trend |
user | Single user icon |
userGroup | Group/multiple user icon |
userSettings | User or profile settings |
utilities | Utilities industry |
warning | Warning message icon |
website | Target type: Website |
Do’s and Don’ts using Icons
- Icons should enhance, not overwhelm content — avoid overusing them.
- Maintain a balance between iconography and textual content.
- Prefer using icons additively to text because icons by themselves can be difficult to identify.
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⚠️ Note the <BcIcons />
component has no semantic value as it is removed from the Accessibility Tree via aria-hidden="true"
and role='none'
Why are icons removed from the Accessibility Tree?
Therefore when icons are used alone, in absence of any nearby labelling text string, the parent node of the icon should receive an accessible label.
For example when using an ‘icon-only button’, give the <BcButton />
a clearly titled aria-label
For more on labels see the Labels’ Accessibility section.
See also the HTML section on this page.
Further reading: CSS Tricks’ Accessible SVGs.
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We use icons as visual markers to aid visual users to signify common and familiar actions.
These icons follow our general iconography guidance.
Why are icons removed from the Accessibility Tree?
The <BcIcons />
React component set aria-hidden='true'
, which alongside role='none'
removes the icon from the Accessibility Tree (AT).
This marks the icon as having no semantic value in the page or UI.
We decided to do this and direct developers to provide accessible labelling or titles for icon-only instances themselves, for 2 main reasons:
- Because icons are often used inside interactive components which should be labelled, rather than a nested presentational icon.
- It radically reduces complexity of the React component.
We thereby avoid having to spread nested props or logic to support one of the 3+ mutually exclusive ways of labelling or setting <title>
We experimented nested SVG <title>
s which behaved inconsistently in screen reader testing. Moreover, it is hard to predictably match source file <title>
strings with downstream icon use cases, resulting in misnamed icons, which automated testing is poor if not incapable of catching for us.
Why SVGs?
SVGs are awesome! The decision to use SVGs follows web development best practices, offering many benefits:
- SVGs scale better than raster graphics
- This supports an accessibility requirement to allow users to page zoom up to 400%.
- SVGs come in XML, perfect for storing with version control (Git)
- SVGs are a web standard and widely supported by modern design tools
- SVGs have great browser support
Why in-DOM SVGs?
In-DOM SVGs are the only way to set SVG fill
colors dynamically via currentColor
For detailed specifications see our Systematic Iconography — Spec (internal).
See also
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- Iconography
- Colors
- Icon (deprecated)